FASTest® E.coli-K99 Strip is a rapid immunochromatographic test for the qualitative detection of E. coli ssp. K99 (F5) in feces of cattle.
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> FASTest® E.coli-K99 Strip
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> Field of Application> GeneralThe diarrhoea pathogen Escherichia coli (E. coli) K99 (F5) is a highly infectious bacterium occurring world-wide. Normally, the bacteria appear together with other pathogens of the Neonatal Calf Diarrhoea Complex, leading to severe diarrhoea in calves.
The prevalences differ, depending on the stock, between 3 and 54%. Mostly, calves of the age between 1 and 5 days are affected.
The different virulence factors (haemolysins, adhesins, enterotoxins (in ETEC) and Shiga toxins) of E. coli lead to various clinical symptoms of diarrhoea. E. coli K99 (F5) belongs to the enterotoxin producing E. coli bacteria. These show specific surface structures, so-called fimbria (F5 antigens) attaching to enterocytes of the intestinal mucosa, thus leading to massive diarrhoea, partially with lethal consequences.
The fecal-orally transmitted bacteria colonize in the distal small and large intestine. In young calves, small amounts of hydrochloric acid secretion in the abomasum prevent mortification of the E. coli bacteria, leading to a bacterial E. coli invasion of the intestine, together with secretory diarrhoea.
Caused by the high infectiveness, often a population problem arises. Here, next to aetiological diagnostics of all animals, especially older ones (asymptomatic chronic carriers!), the management of keeping and feeding shall be examined, too.
The FASTest® E.coli-K99 Strip offers the veterinarian a fast and reliable on-site proof of E. coli K99 (F5) for a fast and targeted initiation of suitable therapy and prophylaxis measures and therefore a reduction of the calf loss rate.
Detection of
Sample material:
Test time/duration
5 minutes
Room temperature (15–25°C)
96.0 %
97.0 %
Comparison method
Electron microscopy, ELISA
Test procedure
Rapid test
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