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  • > FASTest® BEE 3T

    Applicable to


    FASTest® BEE 3T

    > Test principle

    > Service

    Vídeo with German and English subtitles

    > Field of Application

    FASTest® BEE 3T is a rapid immunochromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of Deformed wing virus (DWV), Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV) and Sacbrood virus (SBV) in the bee/bee brood.

    > General

    Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are among the top 3 agricultural livestock world-wide by pollinating a wide range of crops and ornamental plants. This important ecosystem service is essential for sustainable, productive agriculture and for the maintenance of the non-agricultural ecosystem. Therefore, monitoring the health and vitality of honeybee colonies plays a crucial role. Besides numerous parasites and fungi (e.g., Varroa destructor and Nosema spp.), viruses (e.g., Deformed wing virus DWV, Acute bee paralysis virus ABPV, Sacbrood virus SBV) pose a great threat to the health and welfare of honeybees.

    DWV, triggered by stress (heavy infestation with V. destructor, lack of food, incorrect colony management), can cause characteristic disease symptoms (shrunken, flightless wings, reduced body size, discolouration in adult bees).

    SBV causes significant morphological changes of the brood (no pupation, sac-like accumulation of ecdysial fluid, discolouration from pearly white to pale yellow, desiccation after death in the form of a dark brown, ship-shaped scale). Adult bees develop an infection without visible disease signs, characterized only by a reduced lifespan.

    ABPV multiplies mainly in the pupae. After activation (by mite infestation, bacterial infections, environmental pollution, chemicals, insecticides, etc.), the infection is characterized by rapidly progressing paralysis, trembling, inactivity to fly, gradual darkening and loss of hair from the chest and abdomen and rapid death in adult bees.

    Numerous studies indicate that there is a reciprocal relationship between the infestation level of V. destructor (parasitic mite Varroa) and certain viral diseases (especially DWV, ABPV, SBV). The Varroa mite serves as a virus reservoir and carrier of these viruses. This fatal combination is considered the main cause of winter losses! DWV shows the best correlation between the level of Varroa infestation and the virus load.

    For the assessment and containment of these winter losses, the direct virus detection on-site using FASTest® BEE 3T is a quick and easy diagnostic tool for the beekeeper. In case of a positive result, prophylactic measures (e.g., Varroa control) can be initiated immediately.


    Detection of


    Sample material:


    Test time/duration

    10–15 minutes


    Room temperature (15–25 °C)

    Test procedure

    Rapid test

    Tab-Container Desktop


    Art.-No. 301010BG1

    request> Into the basket


    1 test-kit with 10×3 dipsticks


    Art.-No. 301025BG1

    request> Into the basket


    1 test-kit with 25×3 dipsticks


    Art.-No. 301050BG1

    request> Into the basket


    1 test-kit with 50×3 dipsticks


    Art.-No. 301024BG1

    request> Into the basket


    1 package contains 12 test-kits with 2×3 dipsticks each