MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH
Lochauer Str. 2
A-6912 Hoerbranz
Tel.: + 43 (0) 5573 85 400
Fax: + 43 (0) 5573 85 400-4
E-Mail: info@megacor.at
Internet: www.megacor.com
Vertretungsberechtigt: Dr. Mario Löwenstein
Value added tax identification number (VAT): ATU 45287309
A14 coming from Austria (exit Lochau-Hörbranz):
- Turn right to the Hohenweiler Landesstraße
- Turn left to the Ziegelbachstraße in front of the Scheier gas station
- After 400m turn left to the Straußenweg (information sign ECO Park) and follow the street course for 900m
- You reach the Lochauer Straße in front of the ECO Park. The entry of MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH is in Tor / Gate 20
A96 coming from Germany (exit Lindau):
- In the traffic circle, take the 4th exit to Robert-Bosch-Straße
- After 220m, turn left to the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Straße (third exit in the traffic circle round the tree)
- After 990m turn right to the Oberhochstegstraße and follow the street course. The Oberhochstegstraße leads to the Lindauer Straße and then into the Hörbranzer Landesstraße (L18). In the meantime you reach Austria.
- Turn right to the Lochauer Straße.
- After 180m you will find Tor / Gate 20 on the right side: MEGACOR Diagnostik GmbH.